YLA Gang

YLA Gang πŸ’ž

YLA is a spoken english class.. It belongs to kegalle district. Actually speaking it is a good diploma. I came to know about YLA spoken english diploma from a friend. The class is conducted by Mr. Niranjan gunathilake. 


           In fact, it is not only a place where knowledge is imparted, but also a place where good lessons about life are taught.

When I speak a bout YLA I can't help talking about my friends. To be honest I had so many friends there. There are more like brothers and sisters to me than friends. We studied together a lot and all of us were well qualified after studying the notes given  by sir..




Our sir is always guided us to correct path.. YLA is not only class it look likes our home.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

We had a lot of fun in class..

 We make fruit salad one day. That day was a very fun and happy day. I will never forget that day.


And in the next few days we went to Utuwankanda Saradiyel Rock and kegalle Bird Park. We had a lot of fun in those days too... 

Finally I am really happy to say that I met a very good set of friends there. Because of that diploma I developed my english knowledge a lot. Soo I will never forget those beautiful days..πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’šπŸ’—πŸ’«


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